Monday, May 23, 2016

Made it to Fabara

The route today had two distinct parts. First to the nice little town of Batea (much nicer than our final destination, truth be told), on a quiet country road and through vineyard after vineyard. 

Then we left Cataluña and entered Aragon. 

About three kms after our coffee stop, we got off onto a dirt agricultural path.  Annie and I split up then, to walk at our own pace. There were no cars, maybe two tractors and no noise. At least a million almond trees and a few grain fields. And total solitude. 

When I wanted company, I looked up in the sky, and a plane was almost always flying by. 

Had a few good conversations with myself (no I'm not cracking up)-- it's fun to talk out loud, or sing as loudly as you want, when no one is anywhere in sight. 

We are very lucky to have found Señora Martin here in Fabara. She rents out a few rooms in her house, all "unofficially,"  I'm sure. There's a young Morrocan guy named Assiz who is working here living in another room. 

There's a Roman masoleum about 2.5 km outside of town. You get the keys at a little bar. I decided to go --after all, I had no pack to carry. And when would I ever be back?  

Not only did I get the keys to the high gate around it, but I was also able to get inside and climb around the burial chamber. Amazing. 

Tomorrow a very short day to Caspe, I think it's about 21. That'll seem like a walk in the park after today's 36 plus the walk out to the masoleum. 

Weather has been great. No rain, cool temps. It was 10 C (low 50s??) when we left this morning. 

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