Friday, May 27, 2016

How to lengthen a short stage without really trying

But first look at my very creative photo from last night. Annie in the mirror :-)

So today was a straight shot, 18 easy kms through fields. Annie went ahead to Zaragoza where we'll meet up tomorrow. I left around 7, expecting a pretty simple day. But to start, no arrows anywhere. No problem, I have a GPS, right?  Well after about two hours, the GPS wanted me to go straight through a farm. And in the middle of the road through the farm were two big snarling and barking dogs. 

No way was I going through there, but since I was out in ag fields, I assumed I'd have no problem finding a few dirt roads to detour around. Not so easy. At the end of one of these roads was a man tilling his fields and singing (to my ears it sounded like a sevillana) at the top of his lungs. He stopped his machine and came to help. Gave me what seemed like pretty easy instructions but after twenty minutes in a recently watered alfalfa field, I gave up and went back. This time he led me there, slightly incredulous that I had messed up. 

The second time I made it!  And saw a few arrows after that. My only other doubt was at this spot --with the collision of two yellow arrows. But luckily the GPS showed me which one to take. 

Typical scenery from today. Kind of Midwestern. 

I'm in a nice little pensiĆ³n, the San Miguel. The guy at the desk has been very helpful to me. I have to buy new boots because my beloved Salomons are ripping zcross the top. 

This is always a dangerous proposition, changing footwear mid camino but I really have no choice. Fingers crossed!  

1 comment:

  1. Glad you aren't lost. Good luck with your boots!!
