Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Lugo -- Sunshine, Roman walls, and a short day

I was kind of dragging today, not sure why except maybe my body has had enough of this. So many people have asked me how many kms I have walked and so yesterday I did a rough estimate. Turns out that in Santiago it will be between 1100 and 1200, which surprised me. So I guess it's no surprise my body is dragging. 

Though the walk wasn't spectacular and was a lot on asphalt (grrrrr), we did go through a lot of nice little old hamlets --a few houses, some garden plots, and cows. Lots of cows. 

While walking today, I was singing the song September (which was played at my mom's memorial service) and thinking a lot about her and the rest of the family. I am walking this camino in her memory and my compostela will be inscribed with her name "vicarie pro". Some days it is so hard to realize she is gone. 

I'm still coughing and I think I still have a sinus infection so I've decided to skip the albergue tonight, and I'm in a little pension. My window looks out on the Roman walls--not bad for 25 €!!

Off to meet my amigos for lunch and then some tourism time! 

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