Saturday, June 4, 2016

21 kms that seemed much longer.

Today is Friday. That meant that I had a short 20 kms to the little town of Pozalmuro. So I slept in and left at a leisurely 7:30. 

The first five kms were more of the same lovely green fields, interrupted by my first livestock crossing. 

Then into Muro, whose residents apparently decided that the highest and best use for a crumbling medieval tower was a cell phone tower. 

But the best surprise was right outside of town where a sign pointing off-camino said "200 m to the Roman fountain". 

A 200 m detour is ok since that's less than a half km round trip but I have to confess that I walked right on past the "1km to medieval bridge" and "1.4 km to the chapel" of some Saint. Be judicious with your detours, I always say. 

I knew there would be an ascent, nothing awful but I was huffing and puffing a bit. Nothing like getting to the top and looking down to see no village below and then casting your eyes over to the next hill and seeing the telltale ribbon pieces of the trail. Which meant another ascent to take me finally above the village. 
This tiny town has a room with a few beds behind the docyor's office where pilgrims are welcome.  There's even a hot 
shower and clean bathroom. 

And to top it all off there's a bar in town that will cook meals. Pilgrim heaven. 

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