Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Borja to Tarazona -- 30 very varied kms

Leaving town I came by a beautiful old mudejar building, with a new charmless but well maintained building off to one side, and flanked by two ruins. Kind of sums up the situation in Borja. 

The first few kms went through vineyards and other crops and the sun was rising. 

Then about 300 m up, past a church where a elderly senora botched a repair to s church fresco and her "Ecce homo" has become a minor tourist attraction, though I'm not sure why. 

Up to the top, calvario, with beautiful views. 

Then some kms along the ridge. At first it was through pine forests 

But as the wind picked up I found myself in windmill heaven. I counted 97 as I stopped and did a complete circle. 

After a few more kms and the beginning of the descent things got interesting. The camino went through a pretty inhospitable area-- still some crops but many abandoned farms, overgrown plots, and a fairly hard to discern path. Without the GPS I would not have found my way. Do you see a camino here? 

But I was fine and made it over the hills and around the fields 

And arrived at 12:30 in the lovely town of Tarazona. 

Lots to visit this afternoon but first it's time to eat.  

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